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pelvic pain

Break Free from Chronic Hip and Pelvic Pain

Table of Contents

Identifying the True Culprits Behind Pelvic Pain

Many patients come to clinics complaining of “pelvic pain,” often misidentifying hip joint issues as problems with the pelvic bone. However, symptoms typically arise not from the pelvic bone but from conditions affecting the hip joint or even spinal issues like disc-related pain.

hip joint

Differentiating Hip Joint Pain from Discogenic Pain

Patients often experience hip pain in two main forms: intrinsic hip joint pain and discogenic pain. Intrinsic hip joint pain stays localized to the hip and does not extend elsewhere. Conversely, discogenic pain often radiates to the inguinal region, leading patients to mistakenly visit gynecologists. This type of pain, featuring discomfort that extends from the lower back to the groin, clearly indicates that a herniated disc may be compressing a nerve.

inguinal region

Common Causes of Hip Pain

  1. Hip Joint Calcific Tendonitis: This condition involves the calcification of ligaments around the hip joint, which causes severe pain. Fortunately, specialists can treat this effectively by breaking down the calcific deposits, which often brings dramatic relief.
  2. Discogenic Pain: This prevalent issue occurs when a disc slightly compresses a nerve, resulting in sharp, radiating pain through the groin area. Importantly, middle-aged women frequently report this type of pain, which responds well to treatment.
  3. Hip Joint Crepitus: Many patients express concern about a popping or cracking sound from their hip, which causes significant anxiety. Remarkably, this noise usually comes from tendons rubbing against the hip, not from any serious structural damage. Performing stretching exercises can often alleviate this symptom.
  4. Bursitis: When the bursae, fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones, become inflamed, it can cause severe pain in the buttocks, especially when sitting. Quick medical treatment can significantly reduce this inflammation and alleviate pain effectively.

Effective Treatment Options for Hip and Pelvic Pain

Treatment strategies for addressing hip and pelvic pain include:

  • Specialized Mechanical Therapies: Techniques such as shockwave therapy, radiofrequency therapy, and laser treatments can significantly reduce pain quickly.
  • Physical and Manual Therapy: Misalignments in the pelvis or hip can cause pain through altered body mechanics. Tailored physical therapy and adjustments can correct these misalignments, effectively addressing the root cause of the discomfort.

Why Choose Gangnam Seran Clinic for Your Hip and Pelvic Pain?

Gangnam Seran Clinic excels in diagnosing and treating hip and pelvic pain. By utilizing advanced diagnostic techniques and a patient-centered treatment model, the clinic ensures that each treatment plan is meticulously tailored to the individual’s needs. Their combination of cutting-edge therapies with traditional methods allows for effective and lasting relief, affirming their leadership in orthopedic and rehabilitative care.

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