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Shoulder Pain Uncover the Hidden Link to Your Neck Posture

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Understanding the Connection Between Neck and Shoulder Pain

Many patients visit clinics complaining of shoulder pain. Some point to the trapezius muscle, while others indicate the shoulder joint. Interestingly, even those with pain in the trapezius muscle often have issues with their shoulder joint. This is frequently due to a condition known as “straight neck” or “forward head posture.”

shoulder pain

The Role of Straight Neck in Shoulder Pain

Straight neck occurs when the neck loses its natural curve, causing the head to shift forward. This posture, also known as “forward head posture” or “text neck,” results in the misalignment of the scapula, clavicle, and humerus bones. This misalignment leads to a condition called rounded shoulders, where the shoulders roll forward from their natural position.

Straight Neck Posture
Straight Neck Posture

How Rounded Shoulders Develop

When the head moves forward, the position of the shoulder blades, collarbones, and arm bones changes. This shift results in shortened muscles and altered joint mechanics, causing strain and pain in the shoulder joint. Over time, this can lead to joint degeneration and conditions such as cartilage damage or impingement syndrome.

Rounded Shoulders Posture
Rounded Shoulders Posture

Comprehensive Examination and Treatment at Gangnam Seran Clinic

At Gangnam Seran Clinic, we thoroughly examine the neck and shoulder joints together when patients present with shoulder pain. It is common for both areas to be painful simultaneously, even if the patient feels one more acutely than the other.

Addressing Shoulder Pain Conditions

Shoulder conditions can vary, such as rotator cuff injuries, impingement syndrome, and frozen shoulder. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that connect the arm to the body. Depending on which part of the rotator cuff is injured, different movements may be restricted. Frozen shoulder, in particular, is characterized by difficulty in rotating the arm and reaching behind the back.

rotator cuff
rotator cuff

Holistic Treatment Approach

Treating shoulder conditions effectively requires addressing all related muscles, from the neck down to the lower back. Without correcting the forward rotation of the shoulders, treatment will only provide temporary relief. Long-term resolution requires exercises that use muscles to reposition bones back to their normal alignment.

back muscles
back muscles

Gangnam Seran Clinic: Excellence in Holistic Care

Gangnam Seran Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for shoulder. Our approach includes thorough examinations and personalized treatment plans that address the root causes of pain. By focusing on both immediate relief and long-term correction, we help patients achieve lasting recovery and prevent recurrence.

Related Post : Conquer Shoulder Pain – Gangnam Seran Clinic – Blog (

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